Thursday, November 18, 2010


I can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks that I've been on bedrest!!! The first week was really hard. I was contracting a lot and I just felt like a walking time bomb, like I could go into labor any second. Any moving around whatsoever sent me into contractions. Had my shower at my mom's and was banned to sit in the chair and not get up. Even so, just sitting for that long wore my body out and when I got home I was contracting more than 13 times an hour and it took 3 hours to settle down. Also, I didn't know what to do with myself, although I was super busy trying to work from home to train the new nurse at my job I had to so abruptly leave, so luckily that kept me busy. Went to the doctor and I was the same, so that's good.

Week number two, was much better. Less stressed because I was training the nurse, so I was able to hand over a lot of my work stresses to her. And I seemed to finally have my "routine" down and was getting used to it. The contractions were way less so the medicine is definitely helping! This week went by so much faster. Went to the doctor and I was pretty much the same. The opening inside was a little wider and no longer V shaped but now just a big round pit, but the part of the cervix that was still closed was measuring the same amount as the week before. But since the gap was even wider, little girls head was pushed right up ready to come out still and this time you could see the sac bulging into the open space. Yikes! Just looking at it made me think, how is my water not breaking? But I guess those sacs are pretty tough!!! But I think that's what's going to happen. I don't think I'm going to start dilating and going into labor, I think that girl is going to break her water and that will send me into labor. That's my prediction.

Week number three. I'm in it right now and it's going by even faster! Which is good. Although I hate not being able to get up and go get things ready for the nursery (not that we're really going to be needing it as the babies will most likely be in the NICU, then in my room for awhile.) But it is driving me a little crazy not being able to 'nest'. Plus, our garage is still full of stuff that needs to be organized from the move so we can actually park in there! Oh well, these things can wait. My contractions are even less, the babies are definitely growing as my stomach is swelling even larger and I now have a hard time breathing while I'm sitting and it's smooshing my stomach giving me heartburn and I have to watch how much I eat at one time or I'll be sorry! I hit 30 weeks and now am in my 31st week. Yay!!!! Dr. Hartman said we get to have a party if I hit 31 weeks. Apparently statistics show that the chances of your baby dying or having long term complications are the same at 31 weeks and on as they are at 40 weeks! Crazy huh? But great news all the same!

My family has been awesome through all of this and helped me so much! My mom has arranged it so that someone comes by every day and brings me lunch and sometimes dinner and they even clean my house! I am so blessed. And there's a lady in our ward that is coming over on Friday to teach me how to crochet! I'm so excited! So cross your fingers that we make it another two weeks! Right now that is the milestone I want to reach, 33 weeks. Stay in there little ones!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to make it! Iam sorry that you are having these trials, but it will all be worth all of your pain and heartache when you are finished. Our prayers are with you and those little ones!
