Monday, January 17, 2011

I should be used to it by now.....

I know I've posted before on what "NOT" to say to pregnant people, but I just had to throw in one more post. So as you know, I was VERY swollen during my pregnancy. As the preeclampsia progressed, so did my swelling. I was excited to have the twins so I wouldn't be swollen anymore. Well, I got WAY more swollen after the c-section than I had been during pregnancy if that's even possible! I didn't want any visitors at the hospital it was so bad. My feet were so swollen I couldn't wiggle my toes at all without a searing hot pain to the top of my feet as my skin felt like it would tear. I even got little blisters on the tops of my feet because the skin was so swollen. I should have taken a picture of my feet. I"m sad I didn't. Anyway, it took awhile for the swelling to subside. I got my feet, ankles, calves and legs back after about 8 days, but it's taking longer for my face and fingers. They look tons better, but I still can't fit my wedding finger on and I can tell my face isn't completely back to normal. At the hospital my grandparents came to see me and they didn't even recognize me. They hadn't seen me or the babies since. So when they came to my house a couple days ago, and I looked pretty much normal, my grandpa said, "Well, you're looking better!" (he should have just left it at that) What followed was, "The last time I saw you you looked like a puffed up bullfrog!"
Then my niece came to see me who had also seen me at my very worst, right after the c-section when I was swollen and uncontrollably shaking, and she said, "You look skinny again. Not swollen" which I replied, "Yeah, I was pretty swollen" which she then said, "Yeah, like really swollen, your face was like (and then she made the face similar to the boy's at the top of this page)"
I'm glad that there are people to tell me how swollen I was since I had no idea. Why can't they just keep it at "Hey, you look really good" ?
Now I don't want to offend my grandpa or my niece. Especially my niece because she's like 11. And really they are just stating the facts. I was very swollen. Luckily I really am not someone who gets super offended. But what if I was? It just still makes me think of if someone like, had back surgery and couldn't move around or exercise for a long time and they got really fat, then they finally got better and could exercise again and got back to normal. Would you tell them, "Hey you look really good! You were pretty huge!" No, you'd just tell them how good they're looking. I don't know why it's ok to comment on how huge you get when you're pregnant. It's like they think it's ok because you're pregnant, and it's not really your fault that you got big. Like it's not like you were lazy and ate fast food all day and got fat so that makes it ok to comment on it. But it's not. It's the same as if you had surgery and got fat, it's not your fault really. You were limited. But I don't see people responding the same way. Anyway, there's my soap box for your enjoyment.


  1. That made me laugh! I can't really imagine you looking like that, but I hear that getting swollen sucks. My mom always got really swollen and I have a feeling I'll be the same. bleh.
    I know what you mean about indelicate language. People have already been telling me how big/thick/fat/lumpy/(I think someone even said convex? what the?) I'm looking. I'm like hmm... how about cute/pregnant/mamalicious? Those would be happier to hear. I better get used to it for when I REALLY get fat and lumpy :). Glad to know I'm not alone!

  2. I am right there with you. What about pregnancy makes people feel like they don't need to use common courtousy? I just don't get it. It doesn't matter if you are someone who gets offended easily or not...think before you speak right? Sorry Shay. You have been through enough and that is the last thing that you need!
