Sunday, February 1, 2009


Nicole tagged me to write 6 random things about me......
1. This is way random, and really pretty wierd. I am obsessed with cold ears. Like, I want to eat them. I have no idea when this started but I remember as a small child constantly feeling my dad and older brother Cory's ears and it would drive them crazy. It was only with the boys in the family, not girls. Don't know why. And warm ears do nothing for me. Then, about age 12-15 or so I didn't do it as much, not because the urge wasn't there but mainly because I felt embarrassed about it. Then when I started dating it was fully unleashed! Because they would let me caress their ears all I wanted and I could get my lips on them. Not that I wanted to exactly kiss them, I just wanted to feel the coldness on the upper lip and just hold it there and I'd get urges to just bite them off their head, but luckily I never did. Wierd, I know. It has now spread to children like my nieces and nephews. A few of them know my obsession and will come in from the cold outside and say, "Shay, you have got to feel my ears, they are SO cold!" and then I'll feel them and they'll say, "Do you want to eat them?" I never do of course but it's funny that they say that. But no matter how much I feel them, I am never satisfied and Justin's has like this crazy super metabolism where he burns up everything he eats within like 20 minutes and I swear that's why his body temperature is always way above normal which makes his ears rarely cold. So when they are cold I attack!!!!
2. I must have a slight case of OCD because there are a few things I have to count. I have to count train boxcars, and I've always had the dilemma of whether I should count the engines, cause they're part of the train and sometimes there's like 4 of them. But if I lose sight of the train before it ends it really is upsetting. Also, when I am driving I have almost gotten into accidents many times from trying to focus and drive and count the train at the same time.
3. Another counting OCD thing is counting stairs. I have to count the steps. It has gotten better over the years but it used to be really hard if I was talking with someone walking up the stairs because I'd be having a conversation and trying to keep track of the steps inside my head at the same time.
4. I have to wash my feet before getting in bed. I am really weird about my bed and it's cleanliness. I will make Justin wash his feet or body if I feel he is at all dirty in any way. Sometimes he'll have socks on that he's only worn around the house and I won't let him wear them in bed. There's gross stuff that can be on the floors! And definitely no eating in bed, or having any kind of pet in the house cause I would go insane if there was pet hair in my bed!
5. I want to be a massage therapist and also a foot zonologist. Although I'm not the best living example of eating whole, raw, good foods and energy work I am really into it and would love to incorporate it into my daily living. I was going to go to massage school last fall, but just couldn't justify the cost with Justin going to school full time, but it will definitely be in the future!!!
6. I really wish I could dance. Like latin dance and salsa. Every time me and justin watch "So you think you can dance" any fast paced latin based or really any fast paced dance I always re-inact it after they're done, to Justin's amusement, and wish we could dance like this together.
7. Whenever I'm going to the bathroom anywhere and there's a shower curtain I have to look behind it to make sure no one is there. I don't know why this is. I even do this at home when I know that Justin is in the other room.
8. Speaking of showers, I have to have the door to the bathroom shut because I'm scared of someone coming in without me hearing them and scaring me. Pretty sure this one was reinforced because of the time that I came home from a night shift a little early and Justin was showering and the door was open and I went in and creeped my head and hand through the curtain while his eyes were closed and touched his back. I didn't even do anything scary! Just touched him and he completely flipped out. So then he did it to me one day even though I knew he was home and it scared me so bad that now I have to keep the door shut so I can hear if he comes in. Ok, that was more than 6 things. Sorry!
K, this was fun! Thanks Nicole! I tag everyone!!!!! I want to know all your quirks!!!!


  1. you are hilarious shaylee! i can't elieve the ear thing! hahahahah i have ocd with counting some things too. especially syllables. like if im watching tv and someone is talking i will count the syllables in their words. it is so annoying because i miss whats going on in the show. haha

  2. Haha...I knew it would be fun to read your randomness. Even though I knew all those things, it still cracked me up!!! Tags are fun to do on night shifts huh???

  3. I like the blog, but i was hoping to see some pictures. We need to hang out soon, maybe we can meet up in salt lake sometime

  4. i didnt know you guys had one of these! welcome to blogspot. it will get easier. and its funny cause when i was reading this i completely have COLD EARS right now. and i usually dont but its about 20 degrees outside.

  5. you are so funny. i love the ear thing!! i actually have urges to bite peoples noses. kinda similar right?? lol. and if you ever need practice when you're in massage school, let me know ;)

  6. HURRAY!!! You have a blog. I have been thinking about you and wondering how life is so this is so fun for me now. I love that even though I have known you since I could walk I learned so many new little secrets about you. Hope life is well.
